No wonder color colors our language too, giving it every shade under the sun and by brightening every sentence we speak/write. Think of the words that we use to describe how we feel. At various times we are green with envy, grey with exhaustion or white with rage. At other times we can fall into a black mood or a purple passion.
Life is like a palette, color it your way! Get started-Lets play with colors:
RED: Hot and happening! These shades spread enthusiasm. Also these remind us of those outrageous people who dare to call a spade, a spade!
A red rose in the red lettered day for the ones you love!
How about the passion to chase our dreams of deserving a red carpet treatment (touch wood)
BLACK: Black is beauty and beauty is black. Don’t tell me you have never got sunk into the deep black eyes of your beloved ones!. Life becomes a complete black out for people who are caught red handed with black money. Black is the color for most of the formal occasions too.
A red rose in the red lettered day for the ones you love!
How about the passion to chase our dreams of deserving a red carpet treatment (touch wood)
BLACK: Black is beauty and beauty is black. Don’t tell me you have never got sunk into the deep black eyes of your beloved ones!. Life becomes a complete black out for people who are caught red handed with black money. Black is the color for most of the formal occasions too.
GREEN: Go green, Green city-these are the hoardings that you very often seem to meet with every turn you take.
Green is generally associated with freshness and neophytes. Since life is like a chimera, the other side of the grass always seems green ;-)
BLUE: The coolness of the sea, the calmness of the sky…In fact three fourths of the world is blue, blue and blue!How blessed we would be if we are packed amidst true blue friends.What an immense happiness it is to be a part of the silver jubilee college reunion which happens once in a blue moon!
Green is generally associated with freshness and neophytes. Since life is like a chimera, the other side of the grass always seems green ;-)
BLUE: The coolness of the sea, the calmness of the sky…In fact three fourths of the world is blue, blue and blue!How blessed we would be if we are packed amidst true blue friends.What an immense happiness it is to be a part of the silver jubilee college reunion which happens once in a blue moon!
WHITE: Here comes white, bright as light! Generally white symbolizes peace and purity.
Every young aspiring minds aim to gravitate for white collared jobs. Many a times a white lie helps in not spoiling the show. ( Nah! I can seldom stand an unnecessary lie-be it black or white lol)
Well, I am tickled pink that you made an effort to visit my blog and for this deed may you be blessed to stay in the pink of health forever!
Every young aspiring minds aim to gravitate for white collared jobs. Many a times a white lie helps in not spoiling the show. ( Nah! I can seldom stand an unnecessary lie-be it black or white lol)
Well, I am tickled pink that you made an effort to visit my blog and for this deed may you be blessed to stay in the pink of health forever!
So color, color what color do you choose :-)
nice Rainbow..sorry post...good writing..keep regularly
Colorful post!...neat write up
My fav color is baby pink-i love cute babies n i associate this color with their cutey cutey cheecks :-)...hope i stay in the pink of health forever ;-)
gr8 write up.
Thank you Raghav,Preeth, Gugha priya and Atul for your comments :-)
Hi raaji... read this article long back from office.. so was not able to comment. Really superb ya..
Thanks for your comments Sumi :-)
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